Friday, September 6, 2013

Our badgers' loos...

... across our lane from the copse where we think they live (3 dark spots on the right) seem to be in constant use.

There are several holes that could be badger setts within 500M of La Bastide.  Each year we see signs of them when our big cherry tree starts dropping the fruit we can't reach, but this is the first year we've known that they moved in close to us.

Yet in 13 years we've only once seen a badger (trundling past our front-door). On the rare occasions we return home late, we see lots of owls and are occasionally held up by nightjars that land on the road in front of us and can take some moving, but never badgers.

I guess that as badgers are not a protected species in mainland Europe as they are in England there may be fewer of them.

Maybe the badgers appreciate the fact that we don't allow hunters to cross our land, so feel safer with us, like the partridges and turtle-doves which seem to survive OK. And the bloomin' rabbits of course which get evermore numerous. I could never get get their numbers down when I had a small stud in Suffolk, so I'm not going to try here in La France Profonde.